How do you demonstrate a luxury brand like Land Rover is capable of taking you to the furthest reaches of the planet? By smashing some exotic indigenous bugs on its windshield, that's how. This was that rare occasion when a one-off client pre-purchased media buy resulted in some solid creative work. 🏆 Ads of the World
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Snout Beetle [Tanymecus Destructor]
Burrowing beetle domestic to the tropical and temperate regions of Zimbabwe. Destructive to maize, cotton and soybeans. The first beetles to appear after the rains of the November wet season.

Maltese Ruby Tiger Moth [Phragmatobia Fuliginosa]
A stout, broad-winged, hairy moth endemic to the Maltese Islands. Predator defenses include aposematic coloration, odors and ultrasonic vibrations. Poisonous if eaten.

Tarantula Hawk Wasp [Pepsis Formosa]
Commonly found in the remote desert habitats, shrublands and grasslands of the Southwest U.S. and Mexico. Excruciating sting. Considered to be the second most painful in the world.